| 1. | A light step on an adjoining staircase arrested my attention . 邻近的楼梯上传来轻轻的脚步声,勾住了我的注意力。 |
| 2. | With light steps natasha ran to the vestibule 娜塔莎轻快地跑进前厅。 |
| 3. | She looked back up the lighted step , and then affected to stroll up the street 在大门口,她又回身朝上看着灯光下的楼梯。 |
| 4. | It was bessie , i knew well enough ; but i did not stir ; her light step came tripping down the path 是贝茜在叫,我心里很明白,不过我没有动弹。她步履轻盈地沿小径走来。 |
| 5. | It was bessie , i knew well enough ; but i did not stir ; her light step came tripping down the path 是贝茜在叫,我心里很明白,不过我没有动弹。她步履轻盈地沿小径走来。 |
| 6. | Needing some light to see by , the burglar crossed the room with a light step to light the light with the light green shade 应为需要灯光才能看见,夜贼轻轻穿过这房间去打开浅绿色灯罩的灯 |
| 7. | Its a long while since i have handled it . i had quite given it up ! anisya fyodorovna went very readily with her light step to do her masters bidding , and brought him his guitar 阿尼西娅费奥多罗夫娜迈着轻盈的脚步,乐意地走去完成主人吩咐她做的事情,她把吉他拿来了。 |
| 8. | Hearing the sound , natasha laid down her stocking , and bent down closer to him , and suddenly noticing his shining eyes , went up to him with a light step and stooped down 听到呻吟声,娜塔莎放下袜子,弯腰靠近他,突然她看见他闪光的眼睛,便轻快地起身,走向他身边,俯下身去。 |
| 9. | Then light steps ascended the stairs ; and there was a tripping through the gallery , and soft cheerful laughs , and opening and closing doors , and , for a time , a hush 随后,这些人脚步轻盈地上了楼梯,轻快地穿过走廊。于是响起了柔和欢快的笑声和开门关门声。一会儿后,便寂然无声了。 |
| 10. | Driving up to the steps of a big house in the horse guards barracks , where anatole lived , he ran up the lighted steps and the staircase and went in at an open door 他乘马车到达了阿纳托利所住的近卫骑兵队营房旁一栋大楼房的门廊前面,他登上了灯火通明的台阶,上了楼梯,向那敞开的门户走进去。 |